Saturday, October 6, 2012

Here comes Fatty Doo Doo

If South Park is making fun of it, then you know its relevant.  The latest episode "Raising the Bar" was about how Americans have really lowered their standards for what is culturally acceptable.  Cartman gains a few pounds so he is counted as obese and gets to ride in one of those jolly-persons scooters and children anomalies like Alana aka Honey Boo Boo who get serious attention and a tv show? for being ridiculous.  And though they do make it fun to laugh at Cartman on a fat scooter, there is a serious issue being brought up...theres a bunch of fat kids running around, well i guess more slowly walking than running.  And lemme be clear, I'm talking about the young ones, like elementary school-ers blossoming in middle school-ers like gigantic sunflowers in the summer--they be growing big.  But surely the blame cannot be placed solely on these future big-and-talls.  Due to the way a majority of the food is produced in this beautiful country, that is corporately owned and industrialized to maximize profits, and the public school system is run, by a set and shrinking budget, buying nutritious and organic food usually gets cuts from the plan.  As a result the kids are not eating the most nutritious of food for their breakfast and lunches.  You may ask, why can't parents pack their kids lunches? Some people can't afford to, and they can't afford to or may not have the time to cook for their children at all and as a result their children grow up eating unhealthy at home.  All of this equates to a generation that has developed an almost systematic lifestyle that is unsustainable in all senses of the word, both individually as well as nationally. Anyways, this is the wicked,-boston not related-problem my Environmental Communications group and I are working on-- thinking about how to create a movement towards sustainable food, in terms of nutrition and diet as well as the way in which it is farmed.  Luckily we have the First Lady Michelle Obama on our side.

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