Sunday, October 28, 2012

Which one of you threw up on the carpet?

I have a general theory that in every apartment building in New York there lives at least one hoarder. I first hypothesized this when I was at a friend's place and a woman shouted at us for being too loud.  I remember she turned the lights on to do so, and I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying but I noticed that there was a ton of junk piled around behind her. More than a normal amount, it looked like that shit on the TLC.

Mine has one too, and she lives one the first floor, right past the front door.  Opposite the guy who sings and plays guitar.  I've looked inside her apartment when I am walking past and her door happens to be open, this usually happens late at night when she is bringing more shit into her apartment. Just piles of junk from the floor to the roof.

The guy who lives in the building across the street, but in the window directly across from mine, is a hoarder-but not just any kind of hoarder...he's an animal hoarder!  Which I learned also has a tv-show about it on Animal Planet.  I discovered this because I've noticed that he feeds pigeons breadcrumbs or something from the window of his fire-escape, which he leaves wide-open, and sometimes I see multiple pigeons go in, and fly around inside.  I don't know what the deal is, but at night he closes his window, and the birds still be flying around inside.

Anyway, everybody always keeps that image of  the "crazy" old lady who owns like fifteen cats in the back of their mind, que: the cat lady from The Simpsons, but nobody really thinks about those people normally. The fact is this unique group of animal lovers exists, and they put up some big numbers. About 250,000 animals fall victim every year, and those are just the rescue cases, who knows how many more there are in Florida that go unreported.  Animal hoarding has a plethora of problems: there are a variety of health risks, there is the possibility of zoonosis, and more importantly it is a form of animal cruelty.  The animals are forced to live in cramped, over populated, often neglected, unsanitary conditions, which I can't imagine smell very pleasant either.

The problem of hoarding is a mental health issue characterized by delusional disorder, attachment disorder, and a serious case of OCD.  So becasue the hoarder is the source of the problem, I don't know what can be done for animal justice on this issue.  Maybe awareness and prevention are the way to go, I guess it might be one of those if you see something, say something kind of things.  Like if you notice an abundance of animal sounds coming from your neighbor's, and you are consistently overwhelmed with the smell of shit in the hall might want to report it to your landlord.

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